We focus on quality

The name Rotho signifies quality at all levels of the process - from design, through development, to production - our awareness of quality is deeply rooted and practiced on a daily basis. We are so confident in the quality of our products that we offer an exceptional 20-year durability warranty on almost all of them.


All our products are developed in Switzerland and have won some of the most prestigious design awards over the years. Users and their needs are our top priority in all the products we develop. Our goal is to provide long-term support to people in their daily lives and to offer products that stand out in terms of functionality and quality. For this reason, we particularly focus on creating customer-oriented solutions, careful use of raw materials, and timeless design. Our products should stand out not just for the sake of standing out, but should impress with their quality, while also serving the user and bringing them joy for many years.

Swiss origin

Swissness and quality go hand in hand. That is why Swissness is an attitude that all our employees embrace. Even if the product is manufactured in a factory outside of Switzerland, it is produced with the same commitment to quality and using the same raw materials. Swiss roots and a global perspective shape our culture. This forms the foundation of our success both at home and abroad.

Sustainable raw materials free from pollutants

Protecting and preserving the environment and resources in a sustainable way is very important to us. Therefore, we consistently avoid harmful additives, such as PVC and BPA, in our products and packaging. Additionally, we are increasingly using plastics made from recycling. In 2021, our products were already made of 35% recycled plastics, and in the coming years, we plan to double this percentage.


The environmental management system of Rotho has ISO 14001 certification.

Rotho has had ISO 9001 certification since 1996

Regular audits of the system, process, and production

In 2002, the quality transformation from elements to processes took place

ISO 14001: 2004 - since January 2011

Blue Angel certification since 2021


State-of-the-art production facilities and manufacturing processes with high quality standards. High flexibility (four-shift model). Highly qualified employees with long work experience.


How to proceed in the case of warranty claims?

As a consumer, did you purchase a Rotho product covered by a 20-year durability warranty and has a warranty claim arisen as a result? In such a case, the manufacturer's warranty or durability warranty will be recognized if the defect is reported to us immediately after it is detected by the buyer.

Please send a description of the defect (if possible with a photo), a copy of the proof of purchase, and your contact details to customerservice@rotho.com or by mail to

Rotho Sp. z o.o.
Grabskiego 2

75-209 Koszalin


Shipments sent without postage paid or with insufficient postage will not be accepted. Any costs (e.g., shipping and packaging costs) incurred in connection with unagreed returns WILL NOT be refunded. Rotho does not accept any obligations regarding the storage or return of unsolicited or misdirected shipments, as well as shipments with missing or insufficient address details. Our employees will investigate the matter and send a replacement product if the complaint is justified. Detailed warranty conditions are included in the warranty statement below.

Warranty Statement

Our products marked with a "20-year warranty" are manufactured with the utmost care and precision. Products or individual parts that exhibit material, production, or functional defects during the 20-year warranty period from the date of purchase will be replaced by us. If the specified products are withdrawn from the offer, Rotho will replace them by providing similar or equivalent products.

1. The warranty period applies only to consumer purchases and deliveries and is 20 years. The warranty period begins at the moment the product is purchased by the consumer. Rotho, as the manufacturer, provides the consumer with a warranty for the products it manufactures during the warranty period, for construction, production, processing, and material defects, in accordance with the provisions below. Important: this manufacturer's warranty or durability warranty explicitly applies alongside and depending on the legal and/or contractual warranty of the seller. However, this warranty is excluded if the buyer makes a claim against the seller for the same defect based on the legal or contractual warranty. This warranty does not therefore infringe the Purchaser's rights to warranty against the Seller. A refund of the purchase price is only possible from the seller.

2. The durability warranty applies only to products that are used by the buyer in accordance with their intended purpose, properly operated, and maintained.

The durability warranty does not cover: damage caused by excessive use and use inconsistent with the intended purpose, in particular due to non-compliance with the Rotho specifications provided on the label.

The warranty is subject to Swiss substantive law, excluding the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (Vienna Sales Convention).