How to create a house cleaning plan? Here is a simple guide.

Creating a cleaning schedule for your home can help maintain a clean and organized home without feeling overwhelmed. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a home cleaning schedule:

Cleaning schedule — where to start

Step 1: Decide what cleaning tasks you need to complete

Jak często sprzątać mieszkanie - plan sprzątania domu do druku
Jak często sprzątać mieszkanie - plan sprzątania domu do druku

Make a list of all the cleaning tasks you need to perform regularly in your home. This may include vacuuming, dusting, mopping, laundry, and washing dishes. You can also break each task down into smaller tasks to make it easier to manage.

Step 2: Decide on the frequency of each task

Specify how often each task should be performed. For example, vacuuming may need to be done once or twice a week, while washing dishes must be done every day.

Step 3: Assign tasks to specific days

Assign each task to a specific day of the week. For example, you might decide to vacuum on Mondays and Thursdays, vacuum on Tuesdays, do laundry on Wednesdays, and so on. Remember to balance tasks throughout the week so that you are not overwhelmed one day and have nothing to do the next.

Step 4: Create a cleaning schedule template

Create a cleaning schedule template that you can fill out every week. It can be a simple table with days of the week and cleaning tasks assigned to each day. You can create it using a spreadsheet, such as Excel or Google Sheets, or even on paper. You can also download a ready-made cleaning schedule from our website.

Step 5: Stick to the schedule

As much as possible, stick to the cleaning schedule. Of course, it may happen that you will have to adjust the schedule due to unexpected events or changes in routine. However, try to get back on track as soon as possible.

Step 6: Evaluate and adjust if necessary

After a few weeks, evaluate your cleaning schedule to see if it works for you. Are you able to keep up with the tasks assigned for each day? Are there any tasks that you consistently put off or have difficulty completing? If necessary, adjust your schedule to make it easier to manage and effective.

By following these steps, you can create a cleaning schedule for your home that is suitable for you and helps you maintain a clean and organized home.

How the house cleaning plan works

Planning cleaning and its effectiveness is based on a simple assumption. Instead of organizing a big cleaning once a week or once a month, it is better to schedule household chores for specific days of the week. If we start doing small cleaning tasks daily, by the time the weekend comes, we will find that we have already completed most of the cleaning tasks.

Weekly cleaning schedule

We realize that the perfect plan does not exist. However, to save you time, we have prepared as many as 3 cleaning schedule proposals divided by week, by rooms, and by people.

Right-click, open the schedule image in a new window, and print.

Effective cleaning of a house or apartment, or how often to clean?

The proper answer to this question, but unfortunately not providing any content, is "It depends." How often one needs to clean depends only on how quickly our environment requires it. However, it is worth remembering that the worst enemy of keeping an apartment or house in order is procrastinating cleaning. It is advisable to vacuum the entire house at least once a week. However, no one said that all rooms must be vacuumed on the same day. We also recommend wiping the windows at least once a month.

Just as the biggest enemy of order in the house is not dealing with it on an ongoing basis, so the biggest friend of a clean house is...

Putting things in their place

This is probably the simplest yet the most difficult advice to implement that will ensure order is visible in your apartment or house every day. Throwing out the trash, dusting, or washing dishes are independent tasks performed with full engagement of our awareness. However, we can do things in passing. On the way from the bedroom to the kitchen, we can take clothes to wash with us. While in the bathroom brushing our teeth, we can tidy up our cosmetics organizer. When returning from shopping, it is enough for the purchased food to go straight to the appropriate shelf in the fridge (additionally, a fridge organizer will make this easier) or to a drawer in the kitchen. You can learn how to arrange things in the fridge from our article "Fridge Organization"

The most important thing: clean up regularly!

Even the best organization Regardless of whether we use a ready-made cleaning schedule or prepare a cleaning plan tailored to our own needs, all tasks still need to be done. However, it is not a coincidence that planning the cleaning of a wardrobe, the entire kitchen, or the apartment can save us trouble and effort.

Separation of duties

The appropriate division of duties among household members and involving children in performing the simplest tasks will change your life. You can do the same task together (e.g., one person hangs laundry on one side, while the other does it on the other side) or you can divide the task into stages (the older child unpacks the bottom of the dishwasher, while the younger one does the top). The third option is to divide it by days of the week (one person empties the trash can on Tuesdays, and the other on Fridays).

Even if one of the younger household members is not very effective at cleaning and every time you have to tidy up after them, involving them in the work teaches them consistency, which may prove to be very useful in a year or two.

Children can be an invaluable help in preparing laundry. All it takes is an additional laundry basket or a basket for dirty laundry and the fun of sorting laundry into colored and white loads. Then, all that remains for the parents is a quick check to see if a pink sock ended up with the white curtains and just loading the washing machine.

Remember — don't be discouraged if a given division doesn't work in your home. Check if some other solution might prove to be more effective.

Schedule as a motivator

All cleaning schedules have one more advantage — they are a great motivator. Thanks to them, we can see which room or work area requires action. They allow us to divide the apartment into zones that require more or less time, and thus effectively manage the allocation of our resources.

download the cleaning schedule